Maak vrouwen sterker in het theater! THEREDBOX Projects zoekt naar een creatieve ruimte voor vrouwen en culturele empowerment in Amsterdam. Teken deze petitie om het initiatief van Carmen Toledo te steunen en kunstenaars met verschillende achtergronden in de gemeenschap te verenigen.
Kunstenaars, bondgenoten, cultuurliefhebbers: zij die opkomen voor creatieve ruimtes en kunstenaarswerk.
een toegankelijke ruimte in Amsterdam om onze inspanningen ter bevordering van de empowerment van vrouwen in de geschiedenis te ondersteunen.
Only a few more days left until the closing of our Petition to Gemeente Amsterdam! Do you think we can still reach 300 signatures? Thank you for believing in THEREDBOX Projects and those of us who make them up! .
There are two weeks left until the closing of our Petition before Gemeente and we have 294 signatures of support. Do you think we can still reach 300? Thank you for believing in THEREDBOX Projects and those of us who make them up!.
A big thank you to all the artists, art lovers, fans, friends and colleagues who have signed our petition so far. If you have not yet done so, please hurry as we are still 28 signatures from Amsterdam residents short of the 200 we need to get the Gemeente to listen to us.
If you are among those who have already signed, we also ask you to make an extra effort to spread our petition among friends, colleagues and neighbours who can support us.
Thank you for your support!
We hope to see you soon in our next project.
Warm regards!
Carmen Toledo