You, the petitioner
Cultural space dutch

Offer a creative space for women and cultural empowerment in Amsterdam

303 signatures

Empower women in theatre! THEREDBOX Projects search to obtain a creative space for women and cultural empowerment in Amsterdam. Sign this petition to endorse Carmen Toledo's initiative, uniting artists from diverse backgrounds in community. Your voice matters! Please, join us in making it happen!



Artists, allies, culture enthusiasts: everyone championing creative spaces and artists' work.


establish that:

  • the lack of spaces for women in the performing arts limits our ability to grow as artists and positively impact the community.
  • according to the International Theatre Council (ITC), only 33% of the creative people behind theatre are women.
  • this figure highlights the urgent need not only to promote more opportunities for women in the cultural sector, but also to provide the necessary resources, such as a venue.
  • a space is needed not only for rehearsing and performing theatrical plays but also as a hub that sparks community involvement through art, workshops, literature, recreation, diversity initiatives, to foster the growth of professional artists and new talents; a creative haven in its broadest and most inclusive sense.


and request

an accessible space in Amsterdam to sustain our endeavors in advancing women's empowerment across history.

Current status

This petition is not open to collect signatures.



Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Carmen Toledo 
THEREDBOX Projects - 




Can you support us to get the last 41 amsterdammers signatures?

Dear All, The final countdown starts to reach the 41 signatures from amsterdammers so our petition can be heard by Gemeente Amsterdam. Reaching a new space for our fourth theatre project in Amsterdam will be challenging this year. Despite personal struggles, we're determined to overcome the hurdles of finding actors, subsidies and ensuring a successful premiere.


We won't give up, but we need your strength. Beyond the new project, after three original plays and six participating actresses, we're ready to build a space in Amsterdam. It's about more than premiering plays; it's about creating a diverse hub for different arts, fostering professional growth and providing opportunities for new talent. It's about creating our own space, as artists, as women, as residents. To paraphrase some words of Virginia Woolf: "If we have five hundred a year and a room of our own; if we have the habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what we think, then opportunity will come!" That's why we are initiating a petition to the Gemeente for an accessible space for THE RED BOX. Would you be so kind as to consider supporting our cause by signing our petition to the Gemeente to get a space for our cultural projects? We need to collect 200 signatures from "Amsterdammers" so that the Gemeente listens to us, this is the final countdown to collect them, and we only need 41 more!, regardless of the signatures people living in other cities or countries may give us, that's also very important. Your support means the world to us! Your signature is crucial, and/or spreading the word to your friends and family would also be a big help. Please, after clicking "sign" with your name and surname, immediately check your email for the confirmation link to validate your signature. Without this step, your support will not be recorded. You can see your support by verifying your name (or "anonymous" if you checked this box) in the list of signatories at the bottom of the post. We sincerely appreciate your support! A cordial greeting. Carmen


*Join the Artistic Movement: Sign for Women's Creative Community*

Join the movement! We've already received support from 133 people around the world, 86 of whom are proud residents of Amsterdam! But we still need your support to reach our goal. Sign now and help us create a dedicated space for women's creativity and expression.


With your signature, we'll be one step closer to realising our vision of uniting artists from all walks of life and exploring the rich history and legacy of women through art. Make your voice count! Together we can make a difference. Sign up today and be part of this inspiring movement!


We're in the running

Haven't you signed the petition yet? If you have seen our projects and are interested, and/or if you simply believe that the creation of a cultural centre has more value than a souvenir or candy shop, then we ask you to support us in this initiative. We need your support to submit our application to Gemeente Amsterdam.


Your signature counts! Thank you very much!
